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How to Run Away From Spring Allergies

AirTech Heating & Air Conditioning

Spring allergies getting you down? Use these tips.

Sometimes allergies are obvious. The sneezing, the itchy and watery eyes, and just dead giveaways. However, this time of year, the problems tend to get a lot worse. That’s because the changing of the seasons to Spring means that nature has come back into bloom, sending dust and pollen into the air. On the other hand, some allergies aren’t very obvious.

Many people are sensitive to the extra allergens in the air and they don’t even realize it. If you are one of these people, you could be feeling less than 100% and not realize the source. Here’s how you can identify seasonal allergy issues, how to alleviate symptoms, and how to make sure your air quality is top-notch!

How to Tell if You Might be Suffering From Seasonal Allergies
Those who have bad seasonal allergies know right away. Congestion is a constant plague. Itching and watery eyes make it difficult to see. It can even come to the point of causing skin conditions, like rashes.

However, even if you aren’t particularly sensitive, you can still feel the symptoms of allergies, without even realizing it. If you feel like you have a lingering cold or a cough, your body may actually be dealing with the effects of facing dust in the air.

Your immune system combats the histamines (which is why allergy medications like Benadryl are called antihistamines) and it causes the symptoms. Often times, we don’t even associate these symptoms with allergies, leaving the causes unaddressed.

Clean Ducts Mean Clean Air
Part of the issues that arise from allergies come from continued exposure. We obviously encounter dust and allergens in the air when we are outside but we often assume that our homes are a sanctuary from these contaminants.

That’s why we often turn to medications to solve our symptoms. It may be saline sprays, painkillers or other cold and cough medication. It may alleviate the symptoms but it ignores the root cause.

If your ducts aren’t clean, the dust and pollen from outside may be circulating inside your house. To combat the issue, stay on top of duct cleaning. Having an HVAC professional routinely clean and maintain your ducts can prevent the dust from getting in your house, to begin with, giving your system a break and simply making you feel better.

Continued Exposure Can Exacerbate Allergies
You may be thinking that your symptoms are pretty manageable so having the professional service of duct cleaning being performed may seem unnecessary. However, just because your symptoms are manageable now doesn’t mean that they’ll stay that way.

The problems can actually get worse because your immune system wears down and can’t handle the trials and tribulations of allergens as well. It may get to the point of requiring a doctor’s visit or additional medication.

It is healthier and more cost effective to keep your ducts cleaned and maintained. If you are concerned about indoor air quality, look no further than Town & Country Plumbing, Heating & Air Our professionals can happily assist with your duct cleaning, as well as other air filtration systems, including UV sanitation. Just give us a call at (479) 250-3080 and we’ll be happy to help.
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