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Why Regular AC Maintenance and Repair Is Vital

AirTech Heating & Air Conditioning

The Importance of AC Maintenance & Repair

Regular servicing of your AC unit is important for a variety of reasons, including bill reduction, environmental protection, and energy consumption reduction; but, one of the most important reasons to ensure proper AC maintenance is your health and comfort.

When you keep your air conditioning system properly you’ll see important benefits to you and your family. Luckily, it’s a lot easier than you think. Let’s review some of these key benefits.

Keeping the Air You Breathe Clean
We all need to breathe, and a good bit of our breathing time is going to be spent in our homes; because of this, it’s important that you take steps to ensure the air you and your family are breathing is clean. Proper AC maintenance is a big proponent of clean air in your home by doing the following:
  • Controlling the humidity and moisture levels in your home by regulating temperature. Lower temperatures aren’t as conducive to retaining moisture, and this is important because high moisture can equal mold growth, which can in turn poorly affect breathing or cause respiratory problems.
  • With a filter that is maintained and replaced regularly, many allergens (pollen, dust, bacteria, and mold) can be trapped before they enter into your home’s air circulation. This is especially important for those with asthma, young and elderly, or those with severe allergies.

Always Keep Your Desired Temperature
When the temperatures get hotter, it can become more important to be able to keep your home’s temperature at cooler levels.

No one wants to sit around sweating at home while trying to relax! However, if you haven’t been staying on top of your home’s AC maintenance you could find yourself in a situation where you don’t have access to cooler air when you need it the most.

To avoid this, add AC maintenance into your home’s regular upkeep schedule. You’ll be glad you did! While this can be simple like changing your air filter, if you’re looking for a longer term upgrade, consider changing your thermostat. Not only will this give you more control over the temperature in your home, but also it adds plenty of conveniences too!

Prevent Emergencies Through Regular AC Upkeep
When you ignore your AC maintenance you can, unfortunately, run into some pretty dire and costly repair or even replacement situations, leaving you and your family hot and uncomfortable when you need it working the most. Some important ways you can avoid an emergency AC situation are:
  • Replacing your filter every 60-90 days as needed.
  • Ensuring your vents are open and unblocked to promote proper air flow.
  • Not ignoring potential issues. If something doesn’t sound, look, feel right or appears to be malfunctioning or broken make sure you call in professional help right away.
  • Schedule regular maintenance with an HVAC company to ensure your AC unit runs at peak performance at all times.
If you haven’t done so already, be sure to schedule for an AC technician to assess your home’s system and make sure everything is in proper working order; being proactive with your air conditioning unit can save a lot of money and hassle later! Town & Country Plumbing, Heating & Air is there for all your AC maintenance and repair needs in Northwest Arkansas.
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