2. Water Heater BacteriaAnother source of bad smells could be your water heater. If your heater has not been used for a while or its temperature is set too low, then bacteria could be growing, causing rotten egg smells and making showers unpleasant occurrences.
Sometimes, the odors can be caused by a corroded anode rod in the water heater, which requires replacing.
3. Dried Out P-Trap
Another common reason for sewer gas smells backing up into the house is because your P-trap isn’t doing its job.
P-traps are the curving pipes found under your bathroom and kitchen sinks.
They are designed to hold water in the bottom of the U-curve, which collects debris drained from the sink and creates a seal that prevents gases backing up from the sewer.
If the water in the trap dries out – because, for example, of an unused guest bathroom or pipe leak – then the protection from sewer gases is removed.
Proper venting is required to protect the P-trap seal from being broken.
If the rooftop vent gets plugged by, say, an animal nest, snow or other debris, then it can force sewer gases into the house.